Security | Site | Belfast

Business security for the months ahead

Almost seven months have now passed since the UK and Ireland went into lockdown as a result of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

Like many other businesses, we have evolved and streamlined our processes incrementally to ensure continuity of high quality service provision with health and safety at the heart of our work practices.

As government and society continue to grapple with the challenges of the pandemic, with tactics like a ‘circuit breaker’ now set to be introduced from Friday, we will continue to work on behalf of, and in collaboration with our clients and partners to deliver high quality security and fire solutions across various critical sectors.

We acknowledge that circuit breakers and other such restrictions will have implications for businesses, and their staff, office use and premises.

If your businesses’ short, medium or long-term plans have been impacted by what many are describing as a ‘second wave’ and latest restrictions, ESS is well positioned to provide agile and efficient market-leading advice and solutions for:

  • Securing and monitoring vacant premises through 24 hr CCTV, intruder, perimeter protection and alarm systems  
  • Safeguarding access to work points, including provision of temperature sensor cameras and electronic gates, barriers and turnstiles
  • Remote security, allowing businesses to control and monitor premises directly from mobile devices 
  • Cyber security, server and cloud storage infrastructure 

Our technical and engineering experts can audit and assess the needs and challenges of your business and the fluid external environment within which we all operate at this time, delivering solutions and protection across:

·         Health and safety regulations

·         Fire risk

·         Water risk management

·         Statutory requirements

·         Insurance provision

With over 46 years in business, our incredible staff have and continue to be our greatest asset, particularly in challenging times such as the present.

We want to reaffirm thanks to our staff and long standing loyal and new customers who have themselves innovated and evolved in this new normal.

We have continued to grow in 2020, winning new contracts, with our ability to help businesses throughout Covid-19 seeing us entrusted by some of Ireland’s and the UK’s most significant companies.

Our essential and key worker status means that we will continue to deliver on projects covering; national infrastructure, food supplies, financial and cyber security and many other areas crucial to our wider economy and livelihoods.

We’re here to help and support business, and if you have concerns about any aspect of your employee, business or premises security in the coming months, call us today for a free consultation.

Taking simple steps such as ensuring access points are locked and monitored or placing signage to warn off intruders can be highly effective. As it stands, current restrictions are not set to extend beyond a four week period, therefore short term planning should be a priority for business security.

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