Robbery of business properties up by 15% in Northern Ireland

Latest PSNI Crime figures (as published on 25th October) show a significant increase in robberies of business properties as recorded over the last 12 months (from 1st October 2017 to 30th September 2018) as compared with the previous 12 months.

The image below shows how during the period of October 2017-September 18, a concerning 134 businesses experienced and recorded robberies, compared with the previous 12 months where 116 were recorded.

This rise in robberies of business properties is in contrast with personal properties, which have seen a welcome decrease by 3.6%.

The image below shows how, of the 12 ‘main recorded crime types’ only 2 overall, have seen a decrease with crimes like robbery and ‘violence against the person’ both seeing an overall increase.

From a community perspective, areas such as Lisburn and Castlereagh, Mid and East Antrim and Ards and North Down have seen increases in recorded crime, with Belfast remaining a constant over the last two years.

These figures should be of concern to business owners who must act to stem the flow of crimes against properties across the region.

ESS Non-executive Chairman Paul Campbell talked about some of the steps businesses can take to beat and deter criminal activity;

In order to proactively protect your business there a number of steps recommended by ESS.

Firstly, ESS recommends installing a fully integrated security system with cameras and alarm to record events and trigger an immediate response, should your premises be broken into. In addition, ESS advises checking the alarm system daily and advertising its presence to deter break-ins.

ESS also advises that windows and doors should have secure locks and be reinforced with burglar resistant glass where necessary.

Finally, ESS recommends the installation of security lights which optimise visibility for people nearby and in many cases cause a burglar to panic and leave the premises.”

For further information about the security solutions ESS can provide for your business contact us today at;

Phone – 028 9066 3510

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